About Suneel

If you've seen my work online, I may seem like a rebel and radical. That's right! My years in medicine have brought me to this point, and our entire system from top to bottom needs a radical shakeup.

A bit about me and my background...

I am an internal medicine physician specializing in Lifestyle Medicine and Metabolic Health. I am also a personal trainer and health coach. I was born in London and went to medical school at Cardiff University. I then hopped across the pond, completing my internal medicine residency in Baltimore, Maryland. I've since worked up and down the east coast in a variety of settings.

I quickly realized that much of what I was seeing and treating involved merely putting a bandaid over preventable lifestyle-related diseases, if only our authorities would be motivated to tackle these and the root causes of illness. My main passion then became preventive medicine and wellness. I have now authored 3 well-being books, run a popular health blog, and created content across a number of social media channels including YouTube.

I'm on a mission to improve the true health & wellbeing of our fellow citizens, and unfortunately I do this swimming against the current of many of our healthcare institutions being corrupted and loaded up with conflicts of interest and other agendas.

When I'm not working on all these things, I can be found in the gym, running on a street or beach near you, or traveling the world to see new things...

Please check out more of my work including my social media content and wellbeing programs.

I am the founder of ThinkBox Health, dedicated to thinking outside of the box when it comes to finding healthcare solutions.